This week's, Season 3 Week 6, free to play champion rotation includes Ahri, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Lulu,Malphite, Miss Fortune, Nocturne, Shyvana, Swain, Twisted Fate. These champions will be available for free play starting tomorrow.
Continue reading for a a price list for the free rotation champions just in case you have so much fun you want to pick one up, as well as any applicable Great Atlas cards!
Rotation champion IP and RP prices:
Ahri - 6300 IP / 975 RP
Jarvan IV - 4800 IP / 880 RP
Kennen - 4800 IP / 880 RP
Lulu - 6300 IP / 975 RP
Malphite - 1350 IP / 585 RP
Miss Fortune - 4800 IP / 880 RP
Nocturne - 4800 IP / 880 RP
Shyvana - 6300 IP / 975 RP
Swain - 4800 IP / 880 RP
Twisted Fate - 1350 IP / 585 RP