This week's, Season 3 Week 4, free to play champion rotation includes Anivia, Ashe, Brand, Caitlyn Jax, Nasus,Olaf, Rammus, Taric, and Warwick. These champions will be available for free play starting tomorrow.
Rotation champion IP and RP prices:
- Anivia - 3150 IP or 790 RP
- Ashe - 450 IP or 260 RP
- Brand - 4800 IP or 880 RP
- Caitlyn - 4800 IP or 880 RP.
- Jax - 1350 IP or 585 RP
- Nasus - 1350 IP or 585 RP
- Olaf - 3150 IP or 790 RP
- Rammus - 3150 IP or 790 RP
- Taric - 1350 IP or 585 RP
- Warwick - 1350 IP or 585 RP