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League of Legends

Dragon Master Swain on the way!

Morello had some good news for fans of the community created "Dragonmaster Swain" skin idea.

"We will do this skin - I'm sure of that."

When asked about a time frame, he then followed up with:

"After - Swain doesn't actually need a new skin (<3 Tyrant), we'd be doing this one JUST to meet the community request. It's a cool skin idea, so we'll make it."

Here is the massive community thread about Dragonmaster Swain, although Morello was very clear about setting the communities expectations on this one:

"This is important - and I hate to be this guy - but I specifically will not agree to meet anything laid out in a spec. I think setting that expectation that we'll implement, line-by-line, a suggestion is really dangerous.
We will make Dragon Master Swain, and it will be amazing. Will it be the exact same as every piece of the idea? Not likely."